Andreas Vesalius
- If you happen to know about the Father of Modern Anatomy, Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564), you can help the collaborative group writing an encyclopedia entry on his life and work and legacy.
- The group-writing takes place at Citizendium, the spin-off from Wikipedia that aims to produce an expert-guided and expert-vetted free online encyclopedia, authoritative and reliable.
- Join as a Citizendium author, at All authors use their real names.
- Additions are made in a wiki mark-up language, very easy to learn. If you believe you can contribute, register, view the current article, at
- Check out the other articles in Citizendium; you'll surely find something you can contribute to.
- If you have something to add to the Vesalius article, or comment on it, and don't want to use the wiki editor, email me at I will try to work it in.
- Send as attachment, format: doc, docx, pdf. No 'point-of-view' stuff, and provide source citations.
- Beware, if you get started, you may get hooked.